General FAQ
1. Do I need to purchase the Genesis Framework to use your theme?
2. What is the difference in using a copy of Genesis framework included in the purchased theme package compared with one bought directly from StudioPress?
3. Do your themes work with or
4. How many sites can I use your themes on?
5. Do you provide support?
6. What does this support package cover?
- Answering questions about how to use the theme;
- Answering technical questions about the theme (and in some cases, included third-party assets);
- Help with defects in the theme (and in some cases, included third-party assets);
- Theme updates to ensure ongoing compatibility and the theme works as described and to resolve security vulnerabilities.
7. What kind of support is included with your themes?
8. Will all my posts and pages created before remain on my site if I switch to your theme?
9. Do you provide sample content?
10. Can you install one of your WordPress themes for me?
11. Can I remove the credit at the footer of the theme?
12. Do you offer refunds for your themes?
13. Can I use your theme as just a blog, or can I use the blog page template as my home page?
1. Can I upload my own header logo?
2. I purchased your theme and install it on my site, but my header didn’t display in the font style as the header “Karistinos” is on your demo. Am I doing something wrong?
We use a premium font for the site header to make our theme look more acttractive and impressive. Because of its license limitation, the font is not allowed to share with/ transfer to another person, and we have to replace it with a free font in every theme package.
However, we really want our customer to be happy with their purchase, so we are willing to create a header image for you with your name written in that premium font (with no extra fee). If you’d like, please email us giving your name and tagline or any (short) text you want to appear in the header. The header image will be made and delivered to your email promptly.
You may also purchase the font from a font provider, then upload it to your site and write your name directly instead of using an image.
Following is a list of premium fonts used for headers in our themes.- Jessica – Jelytta
- Olivia Marshall – Serendipity
- Alexandra – Solitude
- Billgrotia – Billgrotia
- Karittemi – Materime
- Karistinos – Axellaria
- Aland – Raffiator
- Ocean – Catherine
3. Can I use an e-Commerce plugin with your themes?
Currently, there are two sorts of WATDesignExpress themes available – Premium themes and Blog ones. Only Premium themes are supported with such e-Commerce plugin as WooCommerce on. They are styled to work with WooCommerce, so we cannot make sure if the look of other e-Commerce plugins matches your site appearance. For our Blog themes, you can still install an e-Commerce plugin on them by yourself. Please also keep in mind that we do not provide support for any problems related to such e-Commerce plugins since we are not their developers.
However, we always offer a customization service which helps you to adjust CSS… to make your site unique.4. I try to install the theme, but WordPress is saying that the theme is missing the style.css sheet.
This error will occur when an incorrect theme file is uploaded into your Themes page. To install the theme successfully, you should first unzip the whole theme zip package which has been purchased and downloaded.
After that, use files you’ve just extracted from the theme package for the installation. You need to install the parent file (i.e. the Genesis zip file), followed by the child theme file to your site (for example, My images are not displaying like the demo. How can I fix that?
6. My images aren’t displaying at the correct size and look blurry on my website.
Every WATDesignExpress theme requires new image sizes (thumbnail sizes). When you install a new theme, you should regenerate your thumbnails to ensure that all affected images can fit properly in the theme. For most cases, regenerating thumbnails will work – all inconsistent image sizes will be fixed. (see here for how to regenerate thumbnails)
If regenerating thumbnails was done already, but some of your pictures still are not displaying as expected, it’s most likely because the photos are too small. You should know that the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin will resize images whose dimensions are larger than the designated image dimensions. The plugin will not “stretch” an image to make it fit.
The solution to this problem, then, is that you should use high-resolution images for featured images. Different sections in different themes require different photo dimensions, but 1200×800 pixels may cover most thumbnails.7. What are the dimensions for my header image (logo) to have the best look?
Most of our themes require a header image (logo) in 180 pixels (exactly) by 1000 pixels (or under) (height by width) so that the image can have its best look, without being blurry.
For the Ashley Dunn theme, the height must be exactly in 220 pixels and the Lisa Cooley theme 160 pixels.
For the Roma theme, it is exact height 120 pixels by width under 500 pixels.8. I made some changes to my site, but they aren’t showing up?
If you made some changes to your website in the back-end, and the changes aren’t appearing on your site (front-end), there’s a high chance that you have encountered the issue of cache.
Cache is a memory which stores all your site data in an external location over a period of time. This is to speed up your website (the site will load faster next time you visit) and improve the user experience. But sometimes, caching can be an irritation as it prevents you from seeing your new changes.
What you need to do then is clear the cache. Note that caching may be in several locations – browser (computer and mobile devices), plugin and server/ host side. Therefore, make sure to check and empty the cache in all those areas. See here for how to clear caches.9. My blog posts don’t show up on my blog page. What should I do?
- In your WordPress admin area, open your Blog page.
- Find the Page Attributes section on the right. Under Template, select “Blog“.
- Your blog posts will now show in the custom format on your Blog page.
In case your posts don’t show up on your Homepage, go to WordPress admin area > Settings > Reading and check if you set your homepage to display “Your latest posts” or not. If not (which means the option of “A static page” is selected), set with the “Your latest posts” option and the posts will appear as expected.

If you do not find an answer to your question listed within our FAQs, you can always contact us directly at